Naturalist Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury, England, on February 12, 1809. In 1831, he embarked on a five-year survey voyage around the world on the HMS Beagle. His studies of animal specimens around the globe led him to formulate his theory of evolution and the process of ' natural selection'. Darwin theorized that humans were lineally descended from species of apes, even though no fossils ( missing links ) of ape-man were ever found prior to his theory . This is an extremely important point to note, & its quite laughable when you think about it that only after Darwin's theory emerged, did men began to 'discover' ape-men skeletons .
And so it follows that in attempt to further their careers and justify the claims that Darwin's evolution is legitimate science and not just a theory, many scientists have fraudulently deceived the world by planting or reconstructing fossils which they would later claim to be authentic finds of the 'missing link ' which turned out to be hoaxes. See : Evolution's hall of shame .
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National History Museum |
One of the the most widely published evolution fraud was committed in the UK in 1912 where a skull presumably belonging to a missing link was presented to the world. It was an audacious fake and one of the greatest scientific hoax ever.
This skull (known as the 'Piltdown Man') which was “found” by collector Charles Dawson, fooled most of the world’s paleontologists into believing it represented a key missing link in the ape to men evolutionary chain. In fact, the skull turned out to be nothing more than a modern human cranium attached to the jawbone of an ape .
The scam was only exposed when modern techniques showed the fossils, once believed to be around 500,000 years old, were was in fact a recent composite of two different species - a human skull and an ape jaw. The hoax survived for 40 years before finally being revealed as a fraud in 1953.
( Picture on the left shows the 1953 meeting in which the Geographical Society revealed the Piltdown man supporting Darwin's theory of evolution to be a complete hoax)

In all fairness, I do not think Darwin set out to fool the world deliberately - I believe he was sincere, but sincerely wrong. The god of this world influenced not only Darwin's thinking, but others who latched on to his theory, because inspite of this hoax, the missing link to prove this theory right are still missing today . Inspite of this and the rebuttal that evolution is not science by eminent scientists ( many of whom are non christians ) , the theory of evolution is still believed by millions of people today . This con job is not of man - it has a spiritual dimension to it folks.
Similarly, today's clergy in positions of authority have been influenced by the lie of the trinity and have misled many children of Yahweh God ( me included ) into believing the ridiculous theory of the trinity through illustrations, analogies and by reading into scripture using eisegesis. The latter is used to describe a person coming to passages in scripture with a pre-conceived notion on a particular doctrinal matter, wishing to force the passage to fit a preconceived notion. And just as there are eminent scientists who speak out against the false theory of evolution, so there are many Christians who have spoken out against the lie of the trinity . One good site is Biblical Unitarian whom I am greatly debted to for rightly dividing the word when rebutting verses used in scripture to validate the fake trinity theory.
Natural History Museum anthropologist Professor Chris Stringer, who led a study on the Piltdown fraud had this to say : 'It is a warning to scientists to keep their critical guard up, but on the positive side it is also an example of the eventual triumph of the scientific method. used to expose the fraud' .
(Likewise, we should all keep our critical guard up when examining the trinity doctrine, using the triumph of (2) exegesis or 'rightly dividing the Word ' as our method .)
I have inspected the theory of evolution and found it to be nothing but mumbo jumbo ( visit my site : The Origin of Hocus Pocus ). Belief in the theory of evolution has devastating consequences for the individual. Teens commit suicide or find no reason for living a moral life as there is no life after death as the evolutionists claim. One of the reasons Hitler was able to initiate the horror of the holoacust was because he believed in evolution . When Hitler exterminated approximately 10 million innocent men, women, and children, he acted in complete agreement with the theory of evolution, and in complete disagreement with everything humans know to be right and wrong.
I have also inspected the doctrine of the trinity in Scripture using exegesis in an objective manner and have found this doctrine to be a fraud as well is not a Biblical doctrine and should be called what it truly is : a lie and a great deception that does great harm to a person's spiritual life while hindering others to be receptive to the Gospel.
Both the theory of evolution and the trinity is an attack on Yahweh God that could have only been perpetrated by our adversary, the father of lies. Evolution claims we derived from apes while the Scriptures tell us we are created lovingly in Yahweh God's image. In evolution, Satan subtly devised a plan to legitimise an erroneous theory while presenting itself as 'Science' - thus evolution is now taught as a subject in many learning institutions. In Christianity, Satan subtly devised a doctrine that would institutionalize an erroneous theory while still presenting itself as 'Christian' & ultimately taught as dogma in bible colleges.
Will we ever see a day when the authorities and clergy in Christendom come together to reason and proclaim that the theory of the trinity is a lie perpetrated by the Father of lies and a hoax like the 1953 meeting in which the Geographical Society revealed the Piltdown man supporting Darwin's theory of evolution to be a complete hoax ? If youre a Pastor, Deacon, Elder or someone in authority in your congregation, I urge & plead with you to examine the theory of the trinity objectively . It will take some time like it took years for me to see beyond the veil of this deceit. Whose duty is it to guard against false teaching ? Remember, evil runs rampant when good men keep silent.
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