The trinity theory assumes that Yahweh God, his son Yeshua and another person called the holy spirit are three coequal persons in one divine being even though there are NO biblical passages which state any such thing .
There are however several analogies and illustrations to lend support to this theory .Illustrating the Trinity is a noble goal, but it is ultimately an exercise in futility. What stymies their efforts is the fact that God is ONE not three. Let us look at some analogies that are used to substantiate the trinity.
( Analogies like these are so absurd that it has even caused some christians to leave the faith .... scroll down to the comments to this article )
Father, husband and son
I can simultaneously be a father, husband, and son to any one person.
In reality, I change my role depending on who I am interacting with. As a result, this analogy actually teaches modalism.
3-in-1 shampoo: three activities, one substance.”
Milk, sugar - add coffee and stir...they are tree different substances yet they are One coffee.
An egg
“The doctrine of the Trinity is like an egg: three parts, one substance -an egg has a shell, a white and a yolk, but altogether they are one egg.
Unfortunately, they would each have to be an egg individually for the physical analogy to make sense.
The trunk, seed and fruits make up one tree ...

Personally, I was convinced by the water analogy after I was born again and believed in the trinity for many years . This illustration typically uses water as the example: water exists as a solid (ice), a liquid, and a gas (water vapor). No matter what physical state water is in, it is still water. Its chemical composition remains the same—it is H20, no matter if it’s floating unseen in the atmosphere to create humidity, or floating in chunks in your tea to help relieve the humidity.
The problem with this analogy is that no one molecule of H2O can actually exist as solid, liquid, and gas at the same time. As a result the water molecule must change forms. A single molecule cannot simultaneously exist in three different states.
The other problem with this illustration is that liquid water, when it freezes, “switches” from liquid to solid, and, when it boils, it “switches” to vapor. However, Yahweh God does not “switch” states or modes. Liquid water can become solid or gas, but Yahweh God never becomes the Son . The idea that Yahweh God manifests Himself differently at different times and in various contexts (like water manifests itself variously as solid, liquid, or gas) is called modalism, and it is a heresy to be avoided.
The above analogies are creative, but stupid. Don’t use them. Any of them. Ever. For some useful levity here, let’s consider a couple of modern-life parallels to show this even more plainly.
A dentist instructs his dental assistant to re-polish a patient’s tooth with a rotary instrument. Therefore, the dentist, his assistant with rotary instrument and the patient form a trinity of three persons in one being— Does that follow?
A fireman hooked up a hose to a fire hydrant, took aim with the hose and put out a fire. Therefore, thehydrant, hose and fireman form a trinity of three persons in one being. Since all worked to put out the fire, it is clear that all three are persons. Really?
Hopefully you see the point. These examples no more prove a trinity of three persons than the various Bible verses used to justify it which are all debunked by rightly dividing the Word of Yahweh God HERE .
Here's a video to show how comical these analogies are :
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