The 2nd Adam

Yahweh God CANNOT descend from the line of King David - only a man can 

You are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. (John 8:40)....If Yahshua is  God, you do not have a savior Romans 5:19 says that a man ( 2nd Adam ) will have to undo the problem caused by the first man (Adam) . Since an eternal God cannot die and cannot be tempted, the temptation of Yeshua in the desert and in his life would be a farce. 

In the Old Covenant or Torah,  it was prophesied that the Messiah was to come from the seed of King David. Since Yahweh God is eternal,  this cannot apply to Him as there's absolutely NO WAY HE coud hav  descended from the House of David. Only a man can descend from King David's lineage. According  to  Jewish  law,  tribal identification  comes  from  the  father's  side."  Yahoshua,  according  to  the  Gospel  oh Matthew,  was  of  the  seed  of  David,  through  his  mother  Miriam  (Mary),  whose  father, Joseph,  was  the  seed  of  David;  "And  Jacob  begat  Joseph,  the  father  [aner]8 of  Miriam [Mary],  of  whom  was  born  Yahoshua,—who  is  called  Messiah  (Mt.  1:16).  It  is  alsointeresting  that  David  came  through  two  women,  that  have  be  duly  noted  in  Matthew1:3,5,  Tamar  and  Ruth.  Also,  if  Yahoshua  was  Yahweh,  as  the  doctrine  of  the  Trinity
teaches, he could not be the seed of David. Yahoshua could not exist, except in the mind of
Yahweh,  before  David,  him  being  David's  seed,  meaning  Yahoshua's  existence  began
when  he  was  conceived  in  Miriam's  (Mary)  womb.  He  did  not,  'Preexist,'  as  is  falsely

Note also that in   Jewish  law,  worship  of  a  three-part  god  is  considered  idolatry;  one  of  the  threecardinal sins for which a person should rather give up his life than transgress. The idea of
the  trinity  is  not in harmony with the Old Covenant and we should heed this carefully as " salvation if from the Jews" meaning 'it springs from them" .  

If Yeshua ( Jesus ) is God, you do NOT have a saviour 

I have trouble with the whole trinity concept. I was raised with a lot of Jewish influence. Christians claim to worship the God of Israel, but Israel has never proclaimed a three in one God. What is wrong with this picture? Should the coming of Messiah change who we believe God to be? I believe that Jesus is literally the son of God, in the same manner that you are the son of your own father. Fathers and sons can be similar, but not identical. I have yet to find the phrase "God the Son" in my bible. (that doesn't seem to bother most people).

 In fact, if Jesus is God, you do not have a savior. Why do I say this? People always talk about what Jesus accomplished for us. What did he have to accomplish to become our savior? He had to fulfill the law. He had to walk every day of his life without sin. If he even blew it one time... If Jesus was God, and we know God can not sin, there would have been no way he could fail. No contest. Nothing accomplished. BUT, if he was indeed the son of God, a man tempted in all things and did not sin based on his own free will, well, now you got something! I am familiar with all the verses that are used to support the tritheism doctrine, but at the end of the day I have to accept what makes the most sense to me.

If you use the verse to say Yeshua left his glory and came down on earth to be born a human baby, what does the scripture say about the type of glory that he left up in heaven ? Is it divine glory he left up there ? If it is then ALL the scriptures have to point to TWO GODS - The FATHER AND THE SON . ... it should be clear everywhere and not in just one passage.

The second adam had to accomplish what the first adam also a human could not do ie resist temptation... both adams were born directly from Yahweh. He makes a valid point here . Romans 5:19 says that a man will have to undo the problem caused by the first man (Adam) :  or if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Yahshua Messiah.) Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

This above statement is from a comment made on THIS PAGE    Some theologians teach that only God could pay for the sins of mankind, but the Scriptures clearly teaches that only a man could do it. Watch the video below :

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